Thursday, July 26, 2012

Gall Bladder

I have been experiencing problems with my gall bladder the past 10ish months.  I didn't know that is was my gall bladder until 7 months ago.  Then the more I have researched about it I realize that I had issues with it during most of my pregnancies as well.  Well  the past 3 days, I have had pain right under my ribcage, mostly in the middle until last night it settled on the right side-- gall bladder again.  The funny thing is with my past attacks, I have had no pain where my actually gall bladder IS, mostly just bloating and gas/burping and right shoulder pain, so this was new for me.  Last night as I was a bit worried about this new development in my gall bladder sickness, I came across a web site that has lots of info about healing your gall bladder.  There was a recipe for Flax Seen Tea  that helps with the pain.  I had some flax so I made it.  Guess what?  Totally works.  I don't understand HOW it works, but it does.   I am one happy person today!    So now that the attack is over I can be more vigilant about healing it. 

Flax Seen Tea for Gall Bladder Attack Pain:
1 TBSP organic flax seed
2 1/2 C water.
Boil Flax for 5 minutes. 
Steep for 10 minutes.
Sip slowly.
The recipe is found here.   There is LOTS of info about the gall bladder and foods to avoid, foods to eat, etc. Check it out here.

Here is some of what I do to help it heal:
Eat good organic Beets.  I planted several in my garden this year.  I actually don't enjoy eating beets- never have.  With my last pregnancy (almost 4 yrs ago) I was low in iron and my midwife asked me to eat more beets.  It would make me want to throw up!   But I know they are beneficial and have found a way that I can consume them-- Juice them.  They are excellent juiced with some carrots and maybe a cucumber thrown in there.  
I also take some supplements-- Standard Process makes an excellent vitamin called  A-F Betafood.   I use it almost daily and during an attack I up my dose.  That usually does the trick to stop the attack but is wasn't enough this time.
One thing I have noticed is that when my gall bladder is acting up- so is my thyroid.   Darn things go hand in hand.  So I treat my thyroid as well.   And when I say "treat" my thyroid I am not talking about going and having a blood test done by an MD and then good on medications to "correct" it.   That route has failed me time and time again.  I actually had LOTS of thyroid tests done very close together last summer and it always came out with very different results-- some showing hypo-thyroid, some Hyper-thyroid and no doctor could make since of it.  Some even went as far as saying the tests must have been done wrong.  I finally had one doctor finally admit that they never test the thyroid that often and have no idea if it is usual  to bounce around that much.  HA!  Then the whole "lets test it every few months and adjust your level of meds" theory is so totally completely wrong!  If it is normal to bounce around (which they admitted they have NO idea if that is normal or not) then they are medicating you unnecessarily!!!!   YIKES!
Whenever I have questions about my health and what is going on I have my wonderful Chiropractic husband do some nutritional testing on me.  BEST health care EVER! 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Relationship Between the Health of Your Teeth and Your Body

I have been researching Bio Dentists recently.  I developed a tooth ache and saw a regular dentist who determined that I needed a root canal.  NOT happening if I can help it.   Root Canals are the only medical procedure where we kill a part of our body because it is hurting and KEEP it in the body.  It never addresses the real reason it got sick in the first place.
As I have researched I came across something real interesting.  Teeth are connected to organs in the body just as the feet (in reflexology)!
Check out this website:  .  Lots of good information.  I love the interactive chart at the bottom of the "Meridian Charts" page.
And, amazingly, my tooth that is sick also corrolates with my organs that are sick as well.  The body is amazing and all connected and is always trying to find balance and heal.
As it turns out, my husband actually had these charts in his HUGE binder of nutrional info.
I am treating my tooth ache with whole food supplements that I muscle tested for and have very little discomfort.  I will see a bio dentist in my area soon to get it fixed.