Monday, October 25, 2010

Skin Care-- Moisturizing

I love, love, love, coconut oil.  There are many health benefits to cooking with it but did you know that you can use it as a lotion too?  It leaves you skin baby soft!  Don't believe me?  Put it to the test-- try it for 1 month and you'll be hooked before the month is even over.
I like to use Coconut Oil that is made for cooking (as opposed to the kind sold for skin care). I use cold-pressed and unrefined organic coconut oil.  It is a bit more expensive but a little goes a long way--seriously. Coconut oil does have a scent to it-- some brands smell less like coconut then others.  You may have to ask around or experiment with the different brands to find one with a scent you like.  I also like to add a drop or two of an essential oil to it.  I add Lavender E.O.  but you could use almost any other kind except I wouldn't recommend using any of the citrus essential oils as they may cause skin sensitivity to the sun.
Apply daily or every other day as needed.  I like to put it on after showering.  It does take a few minutes  to soak in which you will need to plan on since you don't want oil stains on your clothing if you don't wait.
Not only does it make you skin so incredibly soft, it heals it too!  I burned myself and I was very surprised how quickly it healed after I began applying the coconut oil several times a day on it.
Beware that coconut oil will be solid at 76*F or lower and a liquid at higher temps.
Here is a link to an article Dr Mercola has written about the benefits of Coconut Oil. Excellent read.  Love Dr Mercola's site.  He has great info about health and I agree with him on most everything.

Facial Care

Love to use the micro-dermabrasion but hate the chemicals and ingredients?  Baking Soda is once again to the rescue!
  •  Mix a little bit of baking soda (about 1 teaspoon) with water to make a thin paste. 
  •  Gently apply to skin and gently massage in circlelar movements all around face avoiding the eye area. 
  • Rinse with water
Thats it!  So simple, non toxic, very gentle, all with wonderful results! 
This is not something you do daily!  Probably once a month up to once a week is plenty.
Go ahead and try it and enjoy super soft skin!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hair Care

Tired of using chemicals on your hair trying to get it clean?  Look  no further then your pantry.
This method is called the "No-Poo" method.  It simply uses just Baking Soda and Vinegar.
That's it.  Use the baking soda as the shampoo and the vinegar as the conditioner.  There are many ways to apply the baking soda to the hair.  I like to wet my hair first.  Then I keep a container next to the shower with dry baking soda in it.  I take a small hand full and carefully distribute it through out my hair massaging it well.  Rinse out.  Then for the vinegar/conditioner part, I pre mix 1 part vinegar (either white or apple cider vinegar) to 3 parts water.  Sometimes I put in a drop or two of an essential oil to make it smell pretty.  I keep this in a squeeze bottle and squirt it on to my hair, concentrating on the ends and less near the scalp.  Then rinse again.  Do not worry about smelling like vinegar all day- as your hair drys the smell disappears.  The first day I tried this I actually got a compliment from a stranger saying that my hair smelled really good and clean.
The hardest part of this is that it lacks suds.  Some people really like bubbly shampoo.  If this is you, it may take you a bit to get used to it.  I gradually worked my way into this method by using it 2 or so times a week and on the other days using my old chemically laden shampoo and conditioner.  Once on this hair care program your hair will go through an adjusting period where it will have to rebalance it's own natural oils that condition the hair.  You will even find that washing your hair daily will no longer be necessary.  I have heard that using a natural hair/bristle brush helps to distribute your hair's natural oils through out the hair and down to the ends though I have not tried it yet.  I love it for my baby's hair all the way up to my 11 yr old with thick curly long hair.  That is 7 of us using this method!   I just need to get my husband on board too!