Thursday, March 1, 2012

Colds and Fevers

Winter time is known for illness.   In our house we aren't sick very often.  Most of that is due to living a healthy lifestyle-- eating healthy less processed foods, regular chiropractic care, getting sunshine when we can (it is winter after all!), and not using anti bacterial products.  Yup, we don't even own bleach or lysol or the likes!   When someone is sick, I do not go around the house sanitizing.   What we do is use Essential oils.     For coughs and congestion, I use Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil.  I mix a few drops in to a "carrier oil"  like coconut oil (my favorite) or olive oil.  Then rub it on the bottoms of the feet of the sick person and their chest.  I do this at night before bed and sometimes in the morning as well.  Be careful as the oil on the bottoms of the feet if kept bare will be slick and slipping and falling may become a problem.  So avoid that and put socks on!   This helps loosen and thin the yuck making you cough and therefor helps you get over your cough quicker!  For fevers I usually let them run the course.  Fevers are the natural defense that the body does to burn and kill off the bug making you sick.   If they are really uncomfortable then cooling them a bit with a wet rag with some lavendar essential oil is one option.   If the fever is getting really high (over 103 *F) then  mix Peppermint oil with a carrier oil and rub on the bottoms of the feet.  Within 30 minutes for sure, the fever will be lower. And as always drink water!  No juices or soda or candy or sugar.  No food coloring and fake food (processed food).  Just eat good wholesome whole foods.

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